Eating from plastic containers poses heart risk

Left to their own accord, seeds would drop to the ground in late summer or autumn, survive winter, then germinate when the ...
New research on microplastics in brains reminds us that while scientists compile safety data, our leaders should still act ...
One study found that all reusable plastic takeout containers typically used by restaurants contain microplastics. Studies show that like plastic cookware, plastic utensils release microplastics ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is moving to reverse a federal push away from plastic straws, declaring that paper ...
Reducing your use of styrofoam takeout containers — and other plastic products — should help to reduce the amount of microplastics that eventually end up in our food supply, Johnson-Arbor says.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order that encourages the use of plastic drinking straws in the U.S., diverging ...
President Donald Trump signed an executive order to reverse a federal push away from plastic straws, declaring that paper ...
takeout containers, textiles and fruit containers. Unlike other recycling technologies that produce large amounts of industrial fuel from plastic waste, approximately 90% of what Eastman ...