Rats have made the various aviaries at Singapore's only bird park their home and have been running amok in the bird ...
While many don’t consider birds pests, some bird species can infest areas and even be destructive or cause hazards for people. Among the issues they bring are nests that can damage roofs ...
As with most of the bird pests on this list, expect to try multiple tactics before finding one that works. Whether it’s noisemakers, screens or streamers, the important thing is to put something ...
nuisance birds are frequently associated with over 50 kinds of ectoparasites, which can work their way throughout structures to infest and bite humans. About two-thirds of these pests may be ...
The green Argentine parrot, also colloquially known as a ‘Chatterbox’, is an invasive species everyone has become familiar ...
Bug populations are expected to be higher than normal this summer due to our mild winter. There are many types of insects that can be major pests in Minnesota gardens, and dealing with these pests ...
Pest birds cause substantial and costly damage to crops. Managing birds is complex because (1) they are highly mobile, (2) they habituate quickly to many deterrents, (3) some species provide benefits ...