Earth, inner core and Shape-Shifting

Our planet's interior is much too deep and hot to explore with probes, so scientists rely on seismic waves to understand and model its structure. Seismic waves are shock waves tha ...
Earth rotates on its axis every 23.9 hours ... is made mostly of silicate rocks and metals—differentiated into four layers. At the planet's heart lies the inner core, a solid sphere of iron ...
Where the present-day Earth has oceans covering much of its surface, the early Earth was covered in a magma ocean - a layer of molten rock hundreds of miles deep that was melted by the energy ...
Deep within Earth, there lies a mysterious layer called the D" layer. Located roughly 3,000 kilometers down, this zone sits just above the boundary between the planet's molten outer core and ...
Estimates of its temperature vary ... The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth. It is the familiar landscape on which we live: rocks, soil, and seabed. It ranges from about five miles ...
It helps to visualize this: Earth’s inner core is a solid ... pace compared to the planet’s outer layers — it’s essentially spinning at its own pace in a molten ocean at the center of ...