This means, your drink will now have three espresso shots and vanilla syrup for 50 cents less. This is compared to when ordering an iced vanilla latte with an extra espresso shot. Although prices ...
Others that have a double shot include the Bianco Doppio and Double Espresso Dolce, so you know which pods to choose if you need that extra boost. That said, a single or double shot doesn't ...
Once you’ve ground the beans and tamped the grounds just so, pulling the perfect shot of espresso comes down to timing. Ideally, the extraction should last 20-30 seconds, from the first dark ...
Most brands use arabica beans, but sometimes they'll blend both types together to gain that extra kick of energy. It's also common for lattes and cappuccinos to include two shots of espresso in a ...
I really appreciated having a choice of ways to brew an espresso – either by tapping one of the buttons to pull a single or double shot ... I might expect some extra pro-grade features like ...