I adore you, O Infinite Goodness, who has wrought so many miracles, in order to reveal your love to us. I adore you, with all the angels and saints, and with those chosen souls that are now ...
And we believe that Jesus continues to work miracles from heaven.' 'And we believe that Jesus hears not just our prayers but also the prayers that the saints make for us,' he added. 'Now we have a ...
Just five days later, Pope Francis formally approved Gutierrez's story, the second miracle by ... to share news that reminds us that prayer works, the saints can help us to pray for our needs ...
Praying with saints makes sense. With sinners, not so much." Then I caught myself. What about Augustine (who, of course, was both) or, for that matter, so was Peter? Irish Dominican Friar Paul B.
at least one and preferably two miracles owing to the intercession of the candidate must be confirmed. Now, this is a process which is considered sacred by Catholics and in which the essence of their ...