Some plants are meant to be left in the ground through the winter, and now that it's February and the ground outside is as hard as week-old peanut brittle, it's a little late to be planting.
You can get a running start on this activity right now with the milk jug magic seed starting plan. As the sun is now starting to get up earlier in the morning, this is a good time to try using a ...
Before you throw out that empty milk jug, take a look at your houseplants. If their soil is dry, that spent milk jug just might be able to help. The milk jug is one of the most versatile materials ...
The coveted Milk Jug is staying put in Lampeter. Thanks to a 28-14 win over neighboring Solanco Friday night, the Pioneers of Lampeter-Strasburg will hold on to the jug for the third straight year ...