Emerald Stair is a gorgeous map in Avowed, but you'll need to spend quite a bit of time to fully uncover all of its secrets, ...
The Totem of Defiance is one of Avowed ’s four god totems — collectibles that grant boons based on how many pieces you find.
One of Avowed's strongest story beats is a lot more impactful if players fail an important side quest beforehand, here's why ...
If you pay close attention while you’re adventuring through the major towns like Emerald Stair in Avowed, you’ll notice ...
Emerald Stair is the second region in Avowed, and has a variety of Side Quests for you to partake in, learn about the world, and earn valuable ...
Strangled Adra is a unique point of interest in Avowed. These special Adra Waystones are similar to those found in Avowed's ...
Yes, it is possible to save Fior mes Ivèrno from burning, although it will still be attacked if you take the steps to do so.
Nature vs Nurture is a Side Quest in Avowed, where you’ll need to figure out what a gang of seemingly peaceful xaurips is hiding after a string of farm ...
Finish your adventure by completing the Avowed quest list, including optional side quests, companion quests, bounties, and ...
Here's where you can find all seven totem pieces in the Emerald Stair.
If you want to know about the other totems in Avowed, then check out our guide for all Totem of Righteous Rulership Pieces ...