Mike Minor, Professional Ag Marketing, says the rally in corn was fueled by fund buying especially after inflation data in the CPI ran hot. Pressure in soybeans came from South American hedge pressure ...
Dallas chefs share month-by-month tips to help you purchase, or plant, the freshest local fruit and vegetables you can get.
DuWayne Bosse, Bolt Marketing, says after a lower opening Wednesday corn recovered nicely on fund buying and a fresh export sale.
In collaboration with professors at the University, researchers are working on a new nitrogen-retaining corn breed.
Getting a daily serving of corn fulfills many of your nutritional needs. As it turns out, it can also affect your risk of ...
After years of strict bans to curb pollution, China is reversing its zero-tolerance stance on crop burning, allowing ...
In most fields, corn residue remaining after grain harvest is incorporated into the soil with tillage or is left on the soil surface. But corn residue is also becoming a commodity. It’s ...
Having clean fields as corn plants emerge will get the crop off to the best possible start. Phil Krieg, an agronomy service representative with Syngenta, says early-season weeds fundamentally alter ...
With the Minnesota Crop Progress and Condition report indicating good harvest progress last week, corn for grain is on par for the 5-year average, but soybeans, sugarbeets and sunflowers are ...
A corn plant knows how to find water in soil with the very tips of its roots, but some varieties, including many used for breeding high-yielding corn in the U.S., appear to have lost a portion of that ...