Jing Yi's premiere follows a lonely Kazakh boy into a wondrous world. And the filmmaker was mentored by the director of "Long Day's Journey Into Night," one of IndieWire's favorite 2019 films.
Instead of spiraling over inches, ditch the outdated patriarchal playbook, lean into curiosity, and focus on what actually ...
A senior official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency ordered employees to place financial holds on a range of the ...
Second, size matters. It alludes to the physical size in terms of land (and water) areas in possession. It also, importantly, ...
California's coastal protection agency planned to close the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area to off-roaders. A ...
The US Coast Guard released a haunting audio Tuesday of what is believed to be the acoustic signature of the 2023 Titan ...
The team announced its “ultrahigh energy” neutrino on Wednesday, in a paper published in the journal Nature. The finding ...
Dr. Luis Buatois (Ph.D.) traces a series of hexagons with his finger, following the path carved by tiny organisms millions of ...
This is only the second time the species has been recorded while alive. “I thought it was A.I.,” says fish biologist Kory Evans.
These days, it seems like a new device comes out every week. If you look back at the technology of … Continue reading ...