Galaxies, planets, black holes: to most people, everything about our Universe sounds and feels enormous. But while it's true ...
Black holes may soon reveal their deepest secrets. A team of researchers has made a discovery that could revolutionize our ...
Einstein predicted that massive objects bend light as it passes through their gravitational field. This week, a new telescope ...
Albert Einstein himself thought that the eponymous Einstein ring would be impossible to observe, but the Euclid telescope has ...
NASA scientists have detected a star and trailing exoplanet that may be sailing through the Milky Way with unprecedented ...
Traditional black holes, as predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity, contain what are known as ...
Physicists are challenging long-held beliefs about time, suggesting it may not be a fundamental aspect of reality but rather ...
A rare Einstein ring spotted near our galaxy offers a unique chance to test Einstein’s general relativity and study the ...
Emmy Noether showed that fundamental physical laws are just a consequence of simple symmetries. A century later, her insights ...
Traditional black holes, as predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity, contain what are known as singularities, i.e. points where the laws of physics break down. Identifying how ...
Scientists have discovered a new way to probe the interiors of neutron stars by using gravitational waves to turn them into ...