Cops for Kids with Cancer seeks to remove the financial burden for families impacted by a cancer diagnosis. This week they ...
Fraser Wood, 7, was diagnosed with lymphoblastic lymphoma and had to undergo months of intensive treatment, including more ...
Each year, approximately 15,000 children in the United States are diagnosed with cancer.Hasbro Children's Hospital treats between 60 to 70 new pediatric cancer ...
Two therapy dogs became critical to Cincinnati Children's Hospital, and their work gave a whole new meaning to man's best friend.
The world's smallest heart pump helped save a Children's Hospital of Philadelphia patient's life. Now that it's been FDA-approved for younger children, doctors say it will help even more.
Fraser Wood, 7, was diagnosed with a type of blood cancer known as lymphoblastic lymphoma after becoming ill over the summer ...
It is the Impella 5.5 – the world's smallest heart pump that helps blood circulate ... the Impella kept her alive at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "So, I had my Impella for five weeks ...
A blood test marked 'urgent' and 'query sepsis' was ordered for a premature baby two days before he died, an inquest has been ...
Clancy's husband, Patrick, told the magazine that shortly after his wife’s arrest, she called him and said she had heard a ...
A hearing is scheduled in Plymouth Superior Court Friday where Lindsay Clancy is being prosecuted for murdering her three ...
More than 150 friends and family of trans youth protested outside UVa Medical Center Friday after the hospital said it would halt certain gender-affirming services.