The bear, affectionately known by neighbors as Barry, was ultimately lured into a trap with apples, peanut butter and rotisserie chicken Shyla Watson is a digital news editor at PEOPLE.
It's that time of the year again! Egg watch at the bald eagle nest in Big Bear. Jackie laid her first egg of the 2025 season Wednesday evening. You can watch a live camera of the nest below ...
You can get in touch with Jess by emailing [email protected]. A man was attacked by a hungry bear on his way home from the grocery store on Sunday, only to be saved by his quick-thinking ...
The bear, in a fit of rage, held the officer in its arms and tried to crush him. "Don't run away," a man in the background can be heard saying to the guard moments before bear mauled him.
Three years later she was a media star after giving birth to Hamish - the first polar bear cub to be born in the UK in 25 years. Visitor numbers to the park soared and its gift shop was stuffed ...