Well done John Swinney for calling out Jackie Baillie’s regular misleading NHS claims at First Minister's Questions on Thursday.
Virtual wards in Sussex are expanding to provide more with the ability to receive care in the comfort of their own homes.
The NHS is under pressure from multiple directions. At 96% capacity on average, adult beds are closer to capacity than any ...
The 35-year-old attended Northampton general hospital for treatment for cellulitis but her care home would not take her back The NHS was forced to evict a woman who spent 18 months living from her ...
Implantica AG (publ.), a medtech company at the forefront of introducing advanced technology into the body, including the unique device RefluxStop™ for the treatment of acid reflux, a treatment field ...
“We want to provide a nice, clean and safe hospital environment, but without the investment, we struggle.” QMC, part of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) in the East ...
"I feel very angry, upset, worthless, and like my mental health and my life does not matter," says Jessie, propped up in a hospital bed. She is recording this in a video diary. Blue NHS curtains are ...
Implantica AG (publ.), a medtech company at the forefront of introducing advanced technology into the body, including the unique device RefluxStoptm for the treatment of acid reflux, a treatment field ...
Doctors at Queen Mary University of London, Barts Health NHS Trust, and University College London have led the development of a simple, minimally invasive Targeted Thermal Therapy (Triple T) that has ...
The Trust is currently under scrutiny as part of the largest maternity investigation in NHS history ... the foetal care team at Nottingham's City Hospital informed them that their unborn daughter ...