In the words of the Roadrunner ... books for good. "Coyote vs. Acme" is running up against something worse than a tunnel painted into the side of a mountain or a falling anvil.
whenever the Road Runner said, “Beep-beep,” an anvil crashed on Wile E. Coyote’s head. “Beep-beep” also preceded the coyote plunging off a cliff, getting smashed by a train or blowing up ...
Coyote, the famous Looney Tunes character, suing the Acme Corporation over all of the malfunctioning equipment he purchased in his pursuits of the Road Runner. Forte portrayed Wile E. Coyote’s ...
Acme” is running up against something worse than a tunnel painted into the side of a mountain or a falling anvil ... Coyote as he takes his mistreatment and constant failure to catch the Road ...
Will Forte, one of the stars of the cancelled Coyote vs. Acme, is speaking out against the decision to shelve the project.