> Economy Hydrocarbons are back in play: Chevron explores, Exxon Mobil drills in the spring Optimism in the government after the expression of interest by another energy giant - The definition of ...
With Greece already in place in ExxonMobil, which controls the two blocks west and southwest of Crete and is one step away from an investment decision to drill or not drill an exploratory well (in ...
Posisi duduk dan gaya mengemudi yang buruk dapat merusak jok mobil. Latih diri untuk mengemudi lebih halus dan hindari paparan sinar matahari langsung. Kotoran, beban berlebih, dan parkir di bawah ...
Jimmy Kimmel celebrated President Trump’s inauguration by roasting the new president for pardoning several convicted January 6 insurrectionists, but not without also taking a couple of jabs at ...
Mobil Toyota Avanza berjalan sendiri tanpa terkendali di jalan Tol Wiyoto Wiyono. Mobil tersebut meluncur hingga keluar tol dan menabrak pesepeda di Jalan Yos Sudarso, Jakarta Utara. Kecelakaan ...
Training Director Jakarta Defensive Driving Consulting (JDDC), Jusri Pulubuhu, menegaskan bahwa menempatkan anak kecil di jok depan tidak hanya dilarang dalam aspek keselamatan, tetapi juga ...
Jokic had 24 points, 12 rebounds, ten assists and one steal while shooting 9/12 from the field and 1/2 from the three-point range in his first 31 minutes of playing time. Many fans reacted to the ...
“Sempat kejar-kejaran juga,” ujarnya. Mobil itu pun langsung digeledah. 21 kilogram dan 20 ribu butir pun langsung didapatkan. “Sabu-sabu itu sudah dibungkus dan dipisah-pisah. Lalu disimpan di bawah ...