Le français regorge d’homophones. Ce sont ces mots qui se prononcent de la même façon mais qui s’écrivent différemment. "Foi" ...
Une des fonctions principales de l’écriture, c’est de pouvoir exprimer, à travers les mots, ce que l’on ressent, de se faire comprendre et, pourquoi pas, d’essayer de faire évoluer les ...
Propos déformés, origine douteuse ou attribuée à la mauvaise personne… les fausses citations pullulent en ligne, alors il faut bien les vérifier.
Insurrection, Voltaire had said, is the only invention of the French, and Thomas Carlyle described the ability to bicker and disagree as “the talent that distinguishes the French People from all ...
“We must blush for Greece,” said the enlightened Voltaire. Even this much publicized example has often been overinterpreted. The homosexuality that Socrates and Plato knew rose only with the ...
Antoine Lilti’s The Invention of Celebrity is a book that does just that ... He presents familiar figures in a new light, showing how the likes of Voltaire, Samuel Johnson and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ...
[Lire la suite] Candide ou l'Optimisme : la pièce de Voltaire au Théâtre de Poche ... La pièce revient sur l'histoire de l'invention de l'électricité : Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla ; on ...
[Lire la suite] Candide ou l'Optimisme : la pièce de Voltaire au Théâtre de Poche ... La pièce revient sur l'histoire de l'invention de l'électricité : Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla ; on ...
But if there's one invention here that needs no sales pitch, it's this one. No. The sits under the car. The antenna turns it on and off, and the battery plugs in the back. *** Japanese firm ...
But if there's one invention here that needs no sales pitch, it's this one. No. The sits under the car. The antenna turns it on and off, and the battery plugs in the back. *** Japanese firm invented ...
On a trip to Paris, Leslie Voltaire, the president of the Conseil Présidentiel de Transition (CPT), a transitional council installed in April 2024, promised to organize general elections − the ...