Not all borrowing is the same. From public domain illustrations on book covers to AI’s data hoarding, who really owns culture ...
Frontman Tom Templar invites us into his world, and shares the key ingredients that make Green Lung one of the most magical ...
In a zine making class taught by Elena Payne, graphic design adjunct professor at Wenatchee Valley College, people will sit ...
In 2020, during the COVID lockdown, Ano Patel doom-scrolled #zines online, after first stumbling upon it the year before. “I was fascinated by the variety of subjects and the vibrancy of artwork.
The Brahmaputra Literature Festival brought together artists, illustrators, poets, from Sikkim, Nagaland, Manipur, Assam, ...
This is the second part of a three-part column by Allen You. The most essential element of any magazine is design. It is everything that is not the mere choice of words. Design is what makes a ...
Judges Jonathan Ross, Richard E Grant, Davina McCall and Maya Jama were taken aback to find out that it was Example who had been entertaining them over the past few weeks, and had impressed the ...
Prohibited from serving with the U.S. Army as a medical officer, Barbara Stimson was commissioned by the British—and helped open the American military to female doctors Untold Stories of ...
CEO Lorenzo Rossi told pv magazine that the system could be produced at a lower cost than conventional models. N-ink, a spinoff of the Linköping University, has developed conductive inks that can ...
you’ll want to keep an eye on Kickstarter this month. February brings us Kickstarter’s annual Zine Quest — an open call for small-format RPG zine products, which can be anything from fully-contained ...
The newest local zine is the “Advice for My Son” series started by Bay Kelley of the Opelika-Auburn Film Arts Collective (OAFAC), who is best known for running the group’s weekly film screening at ...