India's central bank said on Monday its chief has urged banks to tighten their oversight on cybersecurity issues and to have systems in place that can prevent digital fraud.
Pakistan's central bank cut its benchmark interest rate by 100 basis points to 12% on Monday, in line with expectations, as inflation eases and growth looks to set to pick up after 1,000 basis points of rate cuts over the last six months.
Pakistan's central bank cut its key policy rate by 100 basis points to 12% on Monday, for a sixth straight reduction since June as the country attempts to revive business and economic sentiment amid easing inflation.
The Reserve Bank of India's unexpected purchase of government bonds pushed down bond yields on Monday and raised bets for a cut in interest rates in February, investors said.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian companies surveyed by the central bank expect inflation in 2025 of 10.7%, more than double the official forecast, and named labour shortages as one of the main factors stopping them expanding production, the central bank said on Friday.
The new EO will also establish a presidential working group to create a federal regulatory framework governing digital assets (including stablecoins), and evaluate the creation of a strategic national digital assets stockpile.
Turkey’s central bank has lowered its key interest rate by 2.5 percentage points to 45%. The decision on Thursday marked the second rate cut in a row and came as inflation slowed.
China’s central bank kept a key policy rate steady while injecting liquidity into the financial market, signaling that it may hold benchmark rates unchanged for longer.
President Trump took a hardline stance against an American CBDC—but now the European Central Bank is even more eager about a digital euro.
The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Mozambique (CPMO), at a meeting in Maputo on Monday decided to cut its benchmark interest rate, the MIMO rate, by 50 base points. Thus, the MIMO rate fell from 12.
Luis Fuentes, age 39, of Lancaster, was identified by the Lancaster County Coroner’s office as the man who died in the hospital after being shot by police. He wielded a machete during the Friday robbery,
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said on Monday it has superseded the board of Aviom India Housing Finance due to governance concerns and defaults in meeting payment obligations. The