Tata Electronics said on Friday it has bought a 60% stake in Taiwanese contract manufacturer Pegatron's India unit that operates an iPhone plant, beefing up the Tata group firm's position as an Apple supplier in a fast growing market.
Available on iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, or macOS Sequoia 15.1 or later versions, the latest updates include ChatGPT integration, the “Image Playground” that creates images from your text descriptions, notification summaries of messages, and “Visual Intelligence” that lets you learn about objects and places by pointing your iPhone’s camera at them.
Rumors expect the iPhone 17 to have a complete redesign. Images show the possible new camera module for this upcoming lineup.
If you have found yourself late for school, work or other important appointments because your iPhone's alarm malfunctioned, you aren't alone. Apple has acknowledged issues with the alarm on its popular device,
1. First, take a regular screenshot on your iPhone. Quickly press the side button and volume up button. 2. Tap the screenshot preview that appears in the bottom-left corner. It appears for about five seconds, so be quick.
Apple's iOS 18.3 comes with a warning about a new setting that Apple has turned on by default — and you may want to switch it off. Here's what you need to know.
Apple tweaked iPhone 16 Pro screen sizes to make them bigger than 2023's iPhone 15 Pro models, and this year we are also expecting
The third compromise to expect from ultra-thin foldables like the Galaxy S25 Edge and the iPhone 17 Air concerns the design. The thinner these phones get, the thicker that camera bump on the back will be. While Samsung decided to stick with a vertical camera alignment, Apple is reportedly giving the Air a Pixel-like camera bar at the top.
The iPhone SE 4 might have even more in common with the iPhone 16 than previously expected, including the inclusion of the Dynamic Island.
Look for an iPhone Mirroring button on the macOS dock, which looks like a small iPhone. Click this, and the connection should be established — though the first time you use iPhone mirroring, you’ll be asked to authenticate the connection via Face ID, Touch ID, or your PIN on the iPhone.