Obergoenner said showing young children content with lots of flashing lights and rapidly-changing colors and scenes leads to ...
In their earliest years, kids form narratives that last a lifetime. Here are 7 key unhealthy narratives parents can help prevent in their child.
In line with the idea that certain sounds may coincide with particular emotions, researchers have found that words may ...
Key Takeaways Communicating with your child can be challenging, but experts say saying simple phrases can help get your point ...
See here to read our first blog post that describes findings from a 50-state scan of policies and guidance for identifying ...
A new study shows how the brain reorganizes itself in the first few months after a stroke to improve the ability to speak ...
A rare and deliberate signal between a mother chimpanzee and her daughter raises new questions about ape communication, ...
Podcast: This episode explores whether children’s weaker selective attention is a hidden strength by addressing findings on attention, memory, and childhood learning.
Calm Thoughts are a material needed to evolve your outfits in Infinity Nikki, but where do you get them? These somewhat rare drops are only obtained from running a specific type of realm via warp ...