原标题:沃尔沃多地4S店“偷梁换柱”:50万豪车配“山寨”音响,合同玩文字游戏 多地车主爆料,沃尔沃4S店给顾客加装山寨版“宝华韦健”音响,但合同中却上演“文字游戏”。不少消费者提 ...
蓝鲸新闻消息,远看是个“W”,近看是两个“V”。一觉醒来,沃尔沃车主的天塌了,4S店加装的“宝华韦健”音响竟是山寨货。315前夕,沃尔沃陷入 ...
How do we rate a Device? Rating a smartphone is a tedious process and a lot of parameters have to be considered before judging the overall performance of the device such as display, camera ...
How do we rate a Device? Rating a smartphone is a tedious process and a lot of parameters have to be considered before judging the overall performance of the device such as display, camera ...
在新能源汽车浪潮席卷全球、消费者需求日益多元化的今天,沃尔沃汽车以其卓越的品质、创新的产品力和深厚的品牌影响力,在豪华汽车市场中独树一帜。最新销量数据显示,沃尔沃汽车2025年 ...
Vivo V50 is launching in India as successor to the Vivo V40. It will arrive as a premium mid-range offering with a slim design, Zeiss cameras, a quad-curved display, and a large battery. Vivo has been ...
远看是个“W”,近看是两个“V”。一觉醒来,沃尔沃车主的天塌了,4S店加装的“宝华韦健”音响竟是山寨货。315前夕,沃尔沃陷入山寨音响风波。 连日来,蓝鲸新闻记者接到多地车主爆料 ...
“我的宝华韦健音响是真的吗?”2025年1月,多位沃尔沃车主在小红书上发图询问。 事件的起因是,2025年2月,一名听众向浙江人民广播电台城市之声主持人“晓北”倾诉,购车时当地4S店赠送了 ...
【车主之家 销量数据】日前,车主之家从中国乘用车联席会获得了最新公布的销量数据。2025年1月沃尔沃XC40销量为329辆,在沃尔沃亚太销量中占比2.78%,在SUV销量中排名第202位。 沃尔沃XC40销量 ...
The Tata Intra V50 truck is powered by a DI engine that produces 79. The Intra V50 offers a payload capacity of 1500 Kgs. Prices for the Tata Intra V50 start at Rs 8,67,000 lakhs (ex-showroom).