In a nutshell Scientists have discovered a remarkably complete skull of a new prehistoric carnivore species in Egypt’s Fayum ...
Not a single Mount Lyell shrew had ever been photographed alive before, making them the only known mammal species in California to have eluded human cameras, according to the California Academy of ...
Mount Lyell shrews were first described a century ago, but they hadn't been seen in 20 years and were the only known California mammal never photographed alive. The animal is found in a small ...
The virus is also adapting to new hosts — cows and other mammals — raising the risk that it could spark a human pandemic. “The risk has increased as we’ve gone on — especially in the ...
This site includes areas for endangered species The discovery of the tapir comes after more than a century without records of this type of mammal, the last being in 1914 when they were seen in the ...
The research sheds new light on the mysterious origins of outer ears, which are unique to mammals. "When we started the project, the evolutionary origin of the outer ear was a complete black box ...