Painted lady butterflies are world travelers. The ones we encounter in Europe fly from Africa to Sweden, ultimately returning ...
In 2023, more than 16,000 butterflies were counted at one local grove. The most recent count was a tiny fraction of that.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is taking steps to list monarch butterflies as threatened species and designate seven ...
The natural phenomenon of the iconic monarch butterflies migrating south for the winter is a fascinating one - and it's one ...
A winter count of visiting monarch butterflies found a steep drop from previous years, which has scientists worried about the ...
This winter, volunteers from the Xerces Society, a nonprofit environmental group, tallied just 9,119 western monarchs — a ...
Meanwhile, much of the western breeding areas for the monarchs face some level of drought, which reduced the amount of milkweed and nectar plants available to the butterflies, Howard said.
The Butterfly Patrol Project undertaken by iNatureWatch Foundation in partnership with the Navi Mumbai Police Department ...
Scientists are grappling with a stark population decline of the western monarch butterfly after the species’ numbers hit a ...
Painted lady butterflies are world travelers. The ones we encounter in Europe fly from Africa to Sweden, ultimately returning ...
We know small populations are especially vulnerable to environmental fluctuations, and we think that’s what happened this ...