og at der var blod overalt. Og klokken 18 kom så beskeden, som for alvor åbnede døren til en afgrund. Det uforståelige. »En bundløs sorg«, som statsminister Ulf Kristersson udtrykte det. Mere end 10 ...
Læs også: Nyt kanonregnskab: Novo Nordisk runder for første gang 100 milliarder på bundlinjen USA har været en decideret guldgrube for medicinalselskabet, og sidste år var det igen over halvdelen af ...
Kong Frederik kom en tur til Lille, da de danske håndboldherrer spillede OL-finale. Foto: Tariq Mikkel Kahn Kostede 392.000 Kongen har ellers ikke været bleg for at gøre, hvad der skulle til ...
There are so many film experiences to choose from on Netflix, let us help you narrow down your choices. By Jason Bailey Sign up for our Watching newsletter to get recommendations on the best films ...
That accounts for personal preference, as well as which films still hold up well today ... the fictional events taking place in 1969, the year the very real Apollo 11 first took humans to the ...
The Smile horror franchise has taken off like a shot, with the second film already landing on Paramount+ just two short years after the theatrical release of the first one. Smile 2 gets even ...
Streaming’s popularity continues to rise with each passing month. Unfortunately, that also means the price continues to increase, with Netflix becoming the latest streamer to raise prices. There ...
Watch Re: Post-Brexit Blues 5 years on from Brexit: how do Brexit voters feel? 32 min Watch the programme Watch ARTE Europe Weekly Young People in Europe: Why is there a mental health crisis? 10 min ...
Da fire ulve kom ... der netop var sket. - Det var først bagefter, at vi snakkede om, at ulvene måtte være kommet ind der, hvor vores søn plejer at sove. Sønnens barnevogn står til dagligt på et ...
Daniel Khalife has been jailed for 14 years and three months after escaping from prison while awaiting trial for spying for Iran. Khalife joined the Army aged 16, and shortly after began passing ...
Stor gennemslagskraft Melting Barricades, der sidste år blev købt af Nuuk Kunstmuseum, havde stor gennemslagskraft tilbage i 2004. Projektet kom på forsiden af både ... og i havnen sejlede en soldat i ...
The Official Film Chart is a rundown of the UK’s favourite films of the week, as bought on DVD, Blu-Ray and download and is compiled by the Official Charts Company, based on sales across a seven ...