Under the proposals put out for consultation all private landlords will have to meet the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ...
As of 2030, all private landlords will be required to meet a higher standard of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C or ...
Labour has laid out proposals to force landlords to improve the energy efficiency of rented homes to save renters money on ...
(Alliance News) - Landlords will have to meet decent energy efficiency standards in homes they rent out by 2030, under plans put out for consultation by the government.
Landlords should foot a “significant” amount of the bill to meet energy efficiency standards outlined in Government proposals, Ed Miliband has said. Under the plans put out for consultation, all ...
Renters could save £240 on their bills following new proposals to incentivise landlords to make their homes more energy efficient, the government has said. The proposals, which have been put out for ...
SOUTHEND Council is considering a plan to gather an army of “state snoopers” to ensure homes in Southend and beyond are ...
Yi Yuechun, deputy head of the China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, said that manufacturing sectors such as ...
While imperfect, EmPOWER Maryland, the state’s energy efficiency program, has been tremendously successful. The law was ...
With a high cost of living and cold weather throughout the winter, you may be looking for ways to cut back on spending and ...