Low levels of stalk rot occur in nearly every corn field in Delaware, and severity and incidence varies from year to year. Stalk rots can cause breakage and lodging of stalks and plant death. In many ...
Although field corn kernels start out soft like sweet corn, this variety is left to dry on the stalks in the field before harvesting in the fall once much of its sugar content has converted into ...
Anthracnose leaf blight and stalk rot of corn, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum graminicola, is a disease of worldwide importance. Yield losses can approach 40% and up to 80% lodging has been ...
Ear count, not just population, makes corn yield. The first step to more ears per field is stand and ear counts ... Crown roots should come off the stalk in a circular pattern, growing downward ...
“While the stalk integrity of the short-stature corn ... but he would be concerned about combining the corn on fields with much of a slope. “With how close you’re running that header to ...
With the Minnesota Crop Progress and Condition report indicating good harvest progress last week, corn for grain is on par for the 5-year average, but soybeans, sugarbeets and sunflowers are ...
Corn fields grown especially for overwintering beef cows are a patchwork across our Prairies. Whole corn plants can provide substantial nutrition to ...
his fields look vastly different from the endless rows you see in much of rural North America. Bundled in groups of five or six, his corn stalks shoot out of the sandy desert in bunches, resembling ...
Six volunteer fire departments respond to a field fire near Weeping Water. Several volunteer fire departments were called to ...
Therefore, anthracnose is more severe where corn follows corn and infected residues are left on the soil surface. Anthracnose stalk rot has been recorded in fields where no debris was left on the ...