Before visiting this exhibition, my mind was primed for a certain interpretation of it. The recent federal moves to erase bodily autonomy from anyone other than a cis white man, plus the controversial ...
Thiebaud’s career originated with a focus on illustration and cartoons, which aligned with the emergence of Pop Art in the U.S. in the early 1960s. A response to the austerity of the First and Second ...
The Somerville-based artist had just received a phone call from the Institute of Contemporary Art: She’d been selected to ...
When he first picked up a camera, Lev Mazaraki never envisioned that travel photography would evolve beyond capturing ...
As his self-portraits go on display in Los Angeles, the gay icon talks about sexuality, cruising, and mainstream recognition ...
Blurring water is a popular technique that works really well in the right type of image. Here, we share with you ten top tips on how you can do this the next time you're near a waterfall or ...