A Nordic murder mystery is currently at the top of Netflix's TV chart – though you've probably never even heard of it.
Cameron Diaz reflected on how many more protections exist on sets after returning to her first film in over 10 years.
Guillermo del Toro speaks out in support of Oscar nominated and DGA winning documentary 'Porcelain War' , warns of dark times ...
Cameron Diaz says she regularly dealt with “layers and layers of inappropriateness” from colleagues in the entertainment ...
While Cameron Diaz was one of the biggest box office stars before taking a 10-year hiatus, she admitted that behind closed ...
Cameron Diaz reflected on how Hollywood has changed since the 'Me Too' movement, explaining that there were 'always layers ...
Fernando Jara, quien tiene un hijo diagnosticado con distrofia muscular de Duchenne, cuestionó a la embajadora de Viña 2024, ...
Hace 25 años que el legislador del Partido Socialista milita por los derechos del colectivo LGBTIQ+ que, asegura, el ...
Casi cuatro horas dan para muchos memes, comentarios, aplausos y maledicencia desde el sofá. Seleccionamos los más llamativos ...
1815: En Austria se celebra el Congreso de Viena; en él, gran número de países acuerdan abolir el comercio de esclavos. 1817: ...
A través de sus redes sociales, la cantante Belinda confirmó que fue hospitalizada de emergencia y aunque no dio más detalles ...