Can yogurt help combat colon cancer? Find out how Bifidobacterium in yogurt may offer protective effects against cancer.
Note: Past or current smokers may need a yearly lung cancer scan. Get your ears and eyes checked as advised. Men 65 to 75 ...
From the column: "You’ve heard about dedicated runners “hitting the wall?” Finishing your prep is kind of like that." ...
Cancer screenings can save lives by detecting cancer early, when treatment is most effective.With an estimated 2 mil ...
New research highlights that apples, rich in fiber and pectin, improve colon health, aiding digestion and general well-being.
"Also, if the test is positive, it requires a colonoscopy to evaluate for colon polyps or colon cancer ... Melissa Rudy is senior health editor and a member of the lifestyle team at Fox News ...
Jeff Dyck, a 52-year-old wealth-management professional from Calgary, said it hit particularly close to home because three ...
A promising experimental blood test has shown the ability to accurately detect colon cancer with 81% accuracy in patients and correctly rule it out in ...
Sanford developed a database of who should be sent a home screening kit. The number they came up with is a big one.
CHENNAI: Ever wondered how digestion happens in the body? The food we eat transverse through four tubes — the oesophagus, ...
Sioux Falls, S.D.-based Sanford Health has launched an initiative to mail stool-based screening kits for colorectal cancer directly to patient's homes.