Inheritance taxes are imposed on items left to an individual by someone deceased. The tax rate to be paid varies depending on ...
Tax advisers are urging wealthy Britons to consider life assurance as a way to reduce inheritance tax and help future ...
Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda sign up to damning letter warning over ‘the long-term stability of the nation's food ...
Nebraska lawmakers will consider replacing the state's sliding inheritance tax rate with a 1% across-the-board rate under a ...
Labour’s pensions inheritance tax raid will hit 150,000 grieving families with higher death duty bills, figures show. Rachel ...
My wife is an executor to the will so might she be liable for any tax the charities have to pay? Estate planning expert Ian Dyall replies.
Wealthy retirees are buying bigger houses and funding their grandchildren’s school... ‘I’ve worked in the RAF and NHS and own ...
Under the current scheme, you can give away as much money as you like, inheritance-tax free, as long as you live seven years ...
Under the current laws, you need to pay 40% Inheritance Tax on your "estate" - so your property, money and possessions - that you pass on after you die - but only if you are leaving more than £ ...
We're 57 and jointly own a £1.3m house. We want to avoid a situation where the surviving twin might have to sell our home to ...
The Government’s inheritance tax changes will likely do “permanent damage” to rural businesses and fail to prevent land being ...
Inheritance taxes are imposed on items left to an individual by someone deceased. The tax rate to be paid varies depending on what is left to the individual, and broadly speaking, the more ...