Per acabar la setmana, un dels plats tradicionals per excel·lència de Catalunya. Malgrat que aquesta no és la recepta ...
La cavitat, de gran valor geològic i ecològic, està contaminant-se per les filtracions procedents dels habitatges. Els veïns ...
El 14 de febrer, Dia de Sant Valentí, es converteix en l'excusa perfecta per enviar missatges d'amor a la teva parella ...
Idaho is full of hot springs but most are in the mountains and are a hike to reach. For a more relaxed visit, check out this gorgeous and easy-to-access spot.
A typical Wi-Fi 7 laptop could reach a “potential maximum” of 5.8Gbps -- 2.4 times faster than the 2.4Gbps possible with Wi-Fi 6/6E, according to Intel, one of the companies producing Wi-Fi 7 ...
While all these apps work off cruise ship Wi-Fi, the good news is they don't require the purchase of a plan to use. Nor do they come with any other sort of fee — at least for most features. At ...
It isn't necessarily easy to build a 'separates' hi-fi system, where every component (amplifier, speakers and at least one source) is housed in a separate box. You need space, a fair budget and the ...
Temple University could soon be expanding now that the school has seen its bid to purchase the University of the Arts' former Terra Hall building for $18 million. On Monday, a judge approved the ...
The milestone is a major increase from the end of 2023 when Starlink dishes were installed on just 80 aircraft. United Airlines plans to start rolling out Starlink in-flight Wi-Fi this spring.
Lleida, 1966. Llicenciat en Humanitats a la UOC. Màster en Gestió Cultural a la UOC. Investigador historiogràfic: La família, la casa, l’obrador i la terra durant la crisi i la guerra dels Segadors, ...