Explore the beautiful lyrics of Coldplay Yellow Lyrics. Explore the emotions and stories behind each line in this musical ...
Someone had to fill the void after Radiohead had largely abandoned rock music. All this is to recall Coldplay’s roots as a rock band. Yes, a rock band with piano riffs, but a rock band, nonetheless.
Though Coldplay broke out with a non-piano song, “Yellow,” Chris Martin’s piano riffs became as identifiable as his vocal ...
From acoustic-guitar ditties to cinematic epics, our culture team picks the most romantic tracks of the past 25 years ...
The former Orange Juice frontman talks to Craig McLean about his new album, the Keir Starmer connection, the aphasia he ...
That’s when I sat down and wrote the song.” Taking the lyrics exactly from the words in her heart upon seeing that sad sight, ‘Big Yellow Taxi’ is a direct response to the view from her window, but as ...