Writer/director Drew Hancock‘s "Companion" is the best kind of cinematic thrill ride, a combination rom-com, heist movie, and ...
The filmmaker explains why no sequel is in his future, despite strong reviews and promising box office tracking.
Neither a horror nor a comedy, this future-tinged tale settles for being a reductive collection of better movies.
"It would've been anticlimactic if we ended with anything else," Quaid says. Warning: This article contains spoilers for ...
Drew Hancock's feature debut is a sharp, sleek thriller with a hip modern edge starring Jack Quaid and Sophie Thatcher ...
Drew Hancock's clever twist on the too-good-to-be-true love story is giddy, gory and a truly fun genre mash-up.
Curious about who dies in Companion? You’ve come to the right place. Drew Hancock’s Companion opens like a slasher movie from ...
Writer/director Drew Hancock (“The Mountain”) pulls all the elements together that would make his film “The Companion” a ...
The Village Voice review of "Companion," Drew Hancock’s tale of a murderous robotic love doll, finds the film pushes too many wrong buttons.
Fifteen minutes into Companion, director Drew Hancock skips the world-building and dives straight into conflict resolution, ...