The Cryo-Electron Microscope (cryo-EM) market has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for high-resolution imaging techniques across various industries.
The most prevalent protein in the body, collagen, has long been thought to be a predictable structural element of tissues.
Advancements in machine learning are reshaping protein structure prediction, offering efficient tools that enhance drug discovery and understanding of diseases.
The Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility (CEMF) advances the overall UAB mission by supporting the application of cryo-EM in making new scientific discoveries. We provide access and training in the use ...
In parallel, we are also committed to advancing cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) technology and exploring its applications in innate immunity. Both research areas are in their early stages and ...
The plasma cleaner uses a mixture of gases to make TEM grid hydrophilic for cryo-EM applications. Unique gentle downstream mode and pulsed plasma can handle ultra-thin carbon and graphene grids ...
The University of Colorado Boulder Biochemistry Department's Krios Electron Microscopy facility (BioKEM) offers single particle cryo-EM and cryo tomography of plunge-frozen samples. The BioKEM ...
applications in life science and materials science research. Gatan’s broad experience in the supply of real-time, single-electron counting direct detection cameras has culminated in the K3 ® camera ...