A gunman opened fire on Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, setting off a gunfight that caused multiple casualties before the shooter was killed by Israeli soldiers, according to the ...
屈臣氏集團宣布, 委任區文慧(圖)為香港零售行政總裁, 負責管理香港的四個不同零售業務, 包括屈臣氏、 百佳超級市場、 豐澤和屈臣氏酒窖, 3月1日起生效. 屈臣氏集團行政總裁倪文玲表示, 區文慧於屈臣氏集團擁有超過20年豐富的管理經驗. 多年來, ...
恒大汽車(00708)公布, 公司至今未能成功找到, 能夠幫助緩解集團流動資金問題, 並推進集團適當重組的戰略投資者或買家. 公告指, 由於現今中國大陸新能源汽車市場的經營環境非常艱難, 此情況無疑對公司尋找戰略投資者或買家造成阻礙.
Drug-related violence that has rocked Ecuador in recent years is once again the biggest issue for many voters in Sunday's presidential election, with President Daniel Noboa touting some success but ri ...
Most of European Union surface water bodies are polluted by chemicals, the European Commission said on Tuesday, in a report that revealed the damaged state of Europe's water resources. The European Un ...
24人進食沙田沙角邨金沙角小館, 提供和製作的外送盆菜後食物中毒, 4人求醫, 全部毋須入院. 衞生防護中心表示, 受影響的13男11女, 介乎3至76歲, 在上星期五年初三, 出席一個約100人的新春家庭聚餐, 午膳約10至20小時後, 出現發燒、腹痛、腹瀉和嘔吐等病徵. 衞生防護中心和食安中心人員到餐廳調查, 初步調查顯示, 有關食物過早預製及貯存在不適當溫度, 已立即指示有關處所, 即時暫停 ...
President Donald Trump's overhaul of U.S. foreign assistance has led to chaos in the aid and development field, leaving hundreds of contractors in a severe financial crunch with some already having to ...
A gunman opened fire on Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, setting off a gunfight that caused multiple casualties before the shooter was killed by Israeli soldiers, according to the ...
渣打集團(02888)公布, 由於現任主席韋浩思(José Viñals)九年任期將屆滿, 已委任拉蒙斯(Maria Ramos)接替韋浩思擔任集團主席, 拉蒙斯將在5月8日的股東周年大會後履新. 拉蒙斯現年65歲, 曾擔任巴克萊非洲集團(Absa Group Limited)行政總裁長達十年, 目前是渣打獨立非執行董事, 以及風險委員會主席及高級獨立董事. 她表示, 很榮幸能在集團推進持續轉型的 ...
Fifteen Palestinian prisoners among dozens freed by Israel under the Jan. 19 ceasefire agreement with Hamas arrived in Turkey on Tuesday following deportation to Egypt, the Hamas prisoners media offic ...
A top South Korean military commander said on Tuesday he trusted President Yoon Suk Yeol to be making a legitimate decision when he declared martial law, but declined to say if the impeached leader ga ...
保安局表示, 1名在緬甸被禁錮從事非法工作, 並於日前獲救的香港居民, 下午在專責小組陪同下, 啓程由泰國返回香港. 保安局指, 專責小組確認該名港人在緬甸獲救, 並安全抵達泰國後, 今日上午在曼谷與她見面, 樂見她精神和身體狀況良好. 該名港人亦感謝專責小組, 積極與泰國當局相關單位協調聯絡, 以及各方協助, 讓她能於獲救後短時間內回港, 盡早與家人團聚. 專責小組正繼續積極跟進, 其餘九宗仍未 ...