generation resources • Assessment of transmission system capability • Comparative evaluation of supply resources (including transmission and distribution) and improvements in conservation – Least reasonable cost • Integration of demand forecasts and resource evaluations • Short-term plan for 2 years following plan submission
Integrated resource planning - Wikipedia
Integrated resource planning (IRP, also least-cost utility planning, LCUP) is a form of least-cost planning used by the public utilities. The goal is to meet the expected long-term growth of demand with minimal cost, using a wide selection of means, from supply-side (increasing production and/or purchasing the supply) to demand-side (reducing ...
Definition: Integrated Resource Plan An IRP is a power system plan for a vertically integrated electric utility’s power system plan for to meeting forecasted electricity demand over aspecified future period. • The IRP process provides resource planners with a framework for evaluating plausible futures for
Integrated Resource Plans | Energy.SC.Gov - South Carolina
What is an integrated resource plan (IRP)? Integrated resource plans (IRPs) are electricity providers’ plans for meeting projected customer demand for at least a 15-year period in an economical and reliable way, while maintaining flexibility and …
An Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a comprehensive and systematic blueprint developed by a supplier, distributor, or end- user of energy who has evaluated demand- side and supply-side resource options and economic parameters and determined which options
An integrated resource plan (IRP) is a long-range utility plan for meeting the forecasted demand for energy within a defined geographic area through a combination of supply side resources and demand side resources.
What is Integrated Resource Planning (IRP)? - Energy Theory
Nov 17, 2023 · Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) is a comprehensive approach used by utilities and companies to analyze and plan for future energy needs in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.
Integrated Resource Planning - IRP - Duke Energy
An IRP is a “road map” that identifies potential plans for a utility to meet future energy and demand requirements while considering the associated risks and benefits to customers.
Integrated Resource Plans: Roadmaps for a Shifting Energy …
Sep 18, 2023 · Things change, and an integrated resource plan, or IRP, can help a utility manage those changes. Here is a look at how three utilities are mapping out their plans for a shifting supply mix. What exactly is an integrated resource plan?
Integrated Resource Plan - Georgia Power
On January 31, Georgia Power filed its 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which details the company’s plan to meet the energy needs of customers and support the state’s expected continued extraordinary growth.