TOUR OF SEA SHADOW (IX-529) - Maritime
TOUR OF SEA SHADOW (IX-529) Sea Shadow inside HMB-1, 2011. Sea Shadow was a test craft developed under a combined program by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the U.S. Navy, and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (LMSC). Its purpose was to explore a variety of new technologies for military surface ships, these included ...
Ex-SEA SHADOW (IX 529) Hughes Mining Barge (HMB-1) Location: Suisun Bay, CA Length: 164’ Extreme Width: 68’ Commissioned: March 1, 1985 (MB Location: Suisun Bay, CA Length: 324 ft. Extreme Width: 106’ Status: On hold since DfFd8’ Af 9’ September 2006 Application Phase I: Due August 1, 2009 Applications Phase II: Due Draft: Fwd. , t.
Sea Shadow - Steve Larson
My Experiences with the Sea Shadow, 1982-1994 By Steve Larson. In 1982, I was a design engineer working in San Francisco for Morris Guralnick Associates (MGA), Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Lockheed Missiles and Space Company contacted us, saying they had a temporary job for personnel with our expertise.
SEA SHADOW - PASSAGE AFT - maritime.org
SEA SHADOW - PASSAGE AFT. Image Size: The ladder leads up to the aft access trunk. This trunk is the only way to get to this space and leads to the switchgear room. The complicated machinery is almost entirely for the automatic fire/flooding door aft. ...
SEA SHADOW - ENTRY DOOR. Image Size: The entry door was complex to allow access, but also to be flush with the hull when closed to protect the low radar signature. This space also contains the access trunk to the starboard lower lower hull and Carnard Room No. 1 ...
Sea Shadow is unlike conventional small-waterplane-area twin hull (SWATH) ships in that it is of "A" Frame configuration; that is, the struts are canted at an angle. A series of model tests showed a significant reduction of ship motions for the 45° selected strut angle.
SEA SHADOW - BRIDGE - maritime.org
The bridge has two pilot seats and and an engineering station. At sea, there was normally a four-person watch team, three stand watch on the bridge, and one is available as a rover. The bridge's controls allow the crew to perform many of the activities that are normally done by hand thereby allowing the very small crew.
SEA SHADOW - INTERIOR COMMUNICATION ROOM . Image Size: The interior communications room contains the gyro compass, general announcing equipment, and other electronics. Forward is a door leading to the boson's storeroom, aft to the first platform passage.
SEA SHADOW - FIRST PLATFORM PASSAGE. Image Size: The ladder leading down to the first platform can be seen aft. On port (right side) is a door to enter the auxiliary machinery space. Forward to the I.C., electronic gyro room. To starboard is the crew living space, and wash room, heads (water closet) and shower. ...
SEA SHADOW - UNDERNEATH - maritime.org
From below and aft, the propellors and stabilizer of Sea Shadow are visible. The platform under Sea Shadow was part of the building structure that was retained to allow easy access to her bottom for maintenance.
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