What Is the Book of Life? - Bible Study
The phrase "book of life" is found only eight times, in eight verses, in the Bible. These occurrences are all found in the New Testament. Only one is written by the Apostle Paul …
Book of Malachi Fascinating Facts! - Bible Study
Malachi is listed as the last Old Testament book in the King James Bible. Between the time that he wrote, and the time of the first New Testament writing (Gospel of Matthew in 35 A.D.) is a …
Book of Exodus Fascinating Facts! - Bible Study
The Hebrew text of the book of Exodus reveals ten different names or references to God. The Lord is called Adon Jehovah (Strong's Concordance Strong's #H113, #H3068), which means …
Book of Malachi Questions and Answers! - Bible Study
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:13 - 15). [What …
Book of Obadiah Questions and Answers! - Bible Study
All those called and converted since the time of Adam will be given eternal life and the gift of reigning as kings and priests during the Millennium (Daniel 7:13 - 14, 18, 22, 27, Revelation …
Book of Genesis Fascinating Facts! - Bible Study
The book of Genesis records the five oldest humans in history. These people are Methuselah (969 years, Genesis 5:27), Jared (962, verse 20), Noah (950, 9:29), Adam (930, 5:5) and Seth …
Book of Ruth Outline - Bible Study
The book of Ruth begins by stating the events it records took place during the time of Israel's Judges (Ruth 1:1). The period of Israel's Judges ran from Joshua, the first Judge, who started …
Revelation 12 to 22 Outline - Bible Study
After the devil perishes the Great White Throne Judgment takes place. The lake of fire, also known as the second death, is then used to destroy all those who are not in the book of life …
Exodus 21 to 30 Outline - Bible Study
The Biblical outline of the book of Exodus continues with chapters 21 to 30. Exodus Chapter Outline Chpt. 21: God, in Exodus 21, gives his people several judgments dictating how they …
The Life of Jezebel - Bible Study
The evil of Ahab and Jezebel ultimately brings God's wrath upon them. The king, as was prophesied, is killed in battle in 853 B.C. (1Kings 21:19). The queen is allowed to live beyond …