Warhammer 40k imperial guard vs star wars storm troopers
Apr 14, 2010 · Anyways, barring low-end 40k calcs, or high-end SW calcs, the Guard has a serious advantage here. Pretty much all the regiments worthy of the name have a significant combined arms advantage. AT-ATs are nice, yes, and will be troublesome without Titans to take them down one-on-one, but they aren't invincible.
Star Wars Stormtroopers vs 40k Stormtroopers - SpaceBattles
Mar 11, 2017 · Weapons:- All types (Both Star wars and 40k) Canon:- Original (40k); Both legends and Canon (Star Wars) but we will not include clone stormtrooper or the First order Stormtrooper and normal stormtrooper is allowed. Not specalized one. Force powers are not allowed in Star wars and psykers, spacemarines or any help is not allowed; Reinforcement ...
Warhammer 40k imperial guard vs star wars storm troopers
Apr 14, 2010 · the imperial guard and the clone troopers get magically transported on a planet and they both have around 1.2 million troops on opposite sides of the planet. the imperial guard and clone troopers have enough supplies to last them indefinitely. in a head to head fight who would come out on top> IMPORTANT NOTES: No Titan Legions no orbital ...
Seth Vatamaris Presents: The Ultimate Warhammer 40K Imperial …
Mar 22, 2017 · They form the iconic image of the Imperial Guard for most Imperial citizens, and for good reason. It is a rare battlefield that is not graced by the presence of line infantry. Standard Regimental Kit: One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, two frag ...
Warhammer 40k imperial guard vs star wars storm troopers
Apr 15, 2010 · i think the storm troopers are screwed on this one, if a group of teens can spearhead a rebellion that takes them down and can get pwned by a bunch of ugly fur covered creatures 1/3 there size then they cannot in anyway take down the imperial guard especially the death korps of krieg who fight everything the galaxy can throw at them and ...
US military forces vs Imperial Guard forces (Warhammer 40k) in …
Oct 15, 2021 · If this is a stomp in favor of 40k, The modern military gets a single Arleigh-burke class destroyer off the coast, capable of launching Cruise missiles and surface-to-air missiles. If (somehow) this is a stomp in favor of the modern military, the Imperial guard gets 5 Astartes+Rhino transport, another 150 guardsmen, and 5 more chimeras.
Warhammer 40K: Space Marines Vs Imperial Guardsmen
May 26, 2013 · Every single Imperial Guardsman and Space Marine "currently" alive is placed on a planet. They attempt to defeat each other. Scenario Type A: Scenario 1: No vehicles - pure infantry combat Scenario 2: Vehicles and air support is fine, but no orbital fire power Scenario Type B: Same two...
Imperial Guard Quest: Warhammer 40k - SpaceBattles
Feb 7, 2018 · [] History: Mars is Mars, the The Mars 1st and Only is a regiment of Skitarri created assigned to a Imperial Guard due to a past favor for a now dead General who needed their capabilities. Since the General's death the Regiment has remained in service and been constantly assigned to high value and danger combat zones where their abilities are ...
Stormtroopers (40k) vs Spartan IV (Halo) | Page 2 - SpaceBattles
Jun 5, 2019 · A lot of Imperium people come from death worlds and such (there are guard regiments where the 2.10 meter tall commissar was considered somewhat scrawney and such). 40k humans =/- RL humans. There are low ends and high ends for unaugmented humans in 40k, but the high ends have entire swathes of soldiers (the elite of the elite of the elite ...
Mandalorians (Star Wars) VS. Imperial Guard (40k) - SpaceBattles
Nov 7, 2019 · The Imperial Guard mount a ground offensive against the landed troops, preparing and digging into a ruined village via trenches and the cover of several destroyed buildings. Mandalorian Equipment 10,000 Mandalorians (Height of the Mandalorian Empire/Crusade era) in Beskar Super commando Armor armed with Mandalorian Rifles , Heavy Repeaters ...